¿Qué es lo que soy para ti, si no más que un amigo enamorado de tu ciencia, de tu luz y de tus manos?

Sí. Mientras ella esté aquí, menos mal, la podré ver a cada momento. ¿Pero que haré mañana cuando se la lleven y me quede solo?

Disto mucho de ser un literato, como ustedes han de comprender; pero no importa, quiero decirlo todo como lo entiendo. Y lo verdaderamente horrible para mí es que lo entiendo todo.

Eso es malo, que soy un soñador. Tenía bastante material para nutrir mis pesadillas. En cuanto a ella, pensaba que podría esperar.

Por mi parte me he esforzado de salir del silencio, aunque nuestra conversación era apacible. Ninguno de los dos hacía nada por mostrarse efusivo. Esto respondía a mis planes de “darle tiempo”, que consideraba esenciales.

Le dije sin rodeos que en todo el invierno no había hecho más que acariciar la certeza de su amor… Ahora, otra vez las habitaciones desiertas y yo en mi soledad.

Y el péndulo del reloj, terco en su tic-tac, sin importarle el tiempo. No hay piedad y eso es vergonzoso.

¡Abrázame, más, más fuerte, hasta que exhumes el vicio de mis pulmones! Con tus abrazos me ayudarás a expulsar la piedra que atora mi garganta, donde mis palabras mueren.


En la costa del golfo, a mis veintitantos.

Hello world!

Welcome to your new Blog! We’re really excited to see what you do with it.

This draft post is here to show you what your posts will look like and to give you a few tips on getting started. Feel free to edit it, delete it or keep it saved as a draft for reference later.


If you’re familiar with WordPress, you’ll be right at home. To get started creating your own posts head to your Dashboard and click Add New to bring up the editor. Fill it up with whatever you choose; it could be a recipe, a review of a new product you love, or simply a new idea that needs to be shared with the world. The world is your oyster.

Hit Publish and that’s it – your post will be live and ready for reading.

The new post will be included in the Reader of other members and may also make an appearance on the Community front page, (vivaldi.net).

P.S. Don’t forget to share your new creation far and wide! Tag Vivaldi (on Twitter or Facebook) and we’ll help you spread the word about your new blog.


There are a number of ways to customize the look of your new Blog. Head to you site’s Admin Dashboard to adjust the theme, site icon, header images, page layouts, custom widgets and much more. Many of these settings can be found in the Appearance menu.


To import content from another blog, select Tools > Import from menu in your dashboard. Right now there are importers for WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr. If you’d like to import content from another service, let us know!


What is the Vivaldi Community?

A place for our friends to hang out online. We want to create a place where people can publish, read and discuss ideas with likeminded folks from around the world. We hope you like it.

Do I have to use Vivaldi’s browser to be here?

No. Many Community members use our browser. But many don’t. Everyone is welcome.

What’s included?

Every member gets a free webmail account ([email protected]), access to the Vivaldi Forums and a free Blog with a custom domain (yourblog.vivaldi.net).

What’s the catch?

We have no plans to monetize, share your data or start charging for any of these services. The Community is simply a way for us to give back something to our users. No catch.

Help and Feedback

Help articles for the Community can be found at help.vivaldi.com. If something seems off or you run into a bug, please let us know by using our contact form or leaving a comment in the forum.

Have a read of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and let us know if you have any questions.

Enjoy, and welcome!